Since the company’s foundation in 1979 Albrecht has dynamically developed changed steadily. The constant during all years are, however, our employees – many colleagues have proven loyalty to us for decades. We connect traditional, grounded entrepreneurship with continuous idea of innovation. Despite continuous growth we can maintain a „lean management“ which furthermore leads to effective decision making.

Our values

Our central corporate values are trust, flexibility, quality awareness and innovative strength.
We have maintained these values since Josef Albrecht founded the company Albrecht Elektrotechnik in 1979. The core of the brand is based on these values: the highest level of consulting competence in the field of assembly and testing automation as well as a cooperative relationship with our employees and customers. We always have their concrete needs in mind.

Tradition and willingness to change
As a family business, our actions are characterized by a long-term orientation and the will to actively shape the necessary change.
Success orientation and willingness to perform

We have the claim to be among the best and not to be satisfied with what we have achieved and also the willingness to push our limits further. This is reflected in the high motivation of each employee.

Commitment and responsibility

We have proven to be a reliable partner in cooperation with business partners and within our company. Also, we stand by our agreements and take responsibility for our actions.

Reliability and honesty
Our cooperation is open and trusting. Dignity and respect in dealing with business partners and employees are a matter of course for us.

Our drive

New developments in the technical and digital area are a welcome incentive for us. We react immediately and integrate them into our machines and systems in a meaningful and beneficial way. For and with our customers we plan and develop individual future-oriented prototypes and automation concepts.

The team spirit

We exchange ideas, we communicate and discuss at eye level. Personally, humanly, respectfully: this is how we create a living partnership. Independent work, the assumption of responsibility, teams instead of hierarchical structures, an open feedback and error culture – all this leads to our employees feeling joy in their work.
We provide our employees with continuous professional training. We encourage their talents and the ability to develop creative ideas and to implement them independently – and this is exactly what our customers have always appreciated about Albrecht. The result is a high degree of satisfaction on all sides – both for employees and customers.

Human and technology

The performance, commitment and motivation of our employees, coupled with a pronounced curiosity for the unknown and a sure instinct for the implementation of ideas. This is what makes ALBRECHT a modern, future-oriented company where, despite all technical progress, people are always the focus of our actions.

Albrecht Elektrotechnik GmbH
Im Engelfeld 10
87509 Immenstadt

Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1
87509 Immenstadt

Tel.  +49 8323 9651 0
Fax. +49 8323 9651 91

Phone +49 8323 9651 0
(Mo.-Fr. 08:00 - 12:00 AM; or via contact form)
Fax +49 8323 9651 91